Director Vikram K Kumar’s phone hasn’t stopped ringing the past two days. Many well-wishers and friends, press persons included, have been calling him to find the answer to the ‘ultimate’ question — is Ajith replacing Vikram in his next film, 24?
“This is news to me,” says the director, “I have been getting calls from people, asking me if I have roped in Ajith instead of Vikram. I have no idea from where these rumours originate. There’s no ounce of truth in it. I’m going ahead with Vikram, and if all goes well, 24 will go on floors on December 2.”
But, has he approached Ajith for any of his other films? “I don’t know Ajith personally and I haven’t approached him yet. But, he’s one of those actors whom I’m in awe of. I would definitely want to work with him. After I finish 24, I will meet him with a script and hopefully, the both of us will work together…” he signs off.
Source: Times of India Newspaper Nov 09, 2009