Actor Ajith, who has completed over 15 years in Tamil cinema and is all set to roll out his golden jubilee film later next month, has categorically stated that he is here to stay and here to act. These assurances from the actor’s lips may sound clichéd. But for his die-hard fans and devoted followers, the words carry greater significance. For till now, the actor has been precariously juggling his film career with his passion for motor sports.
It was inevitable that one of the two had to take a beating. His recent releases got a drubbing at the box office. Since the actor had found the lure of the race track hard to resist, it meant that he could do just one film a year. But now sources close to the actor say, “He has made his intentions clear. Now that he has decided to stay away from car racing, the actor is planning to do movies one after another and work with the who’s who of Kollywood, which would also serve his avowed purpose of encouraging fresh talent.”
This may have been prompted by the fact that though his recent films were made on a lavish budget and featured the best technicians, the desired results could not be accomplished at the turnstiles.
But now that Ajith’s back to films with full focus and no distractions, his admirers are confident that his run of flops will stop.
The actor is just as optimistic. Looking back at his journey in tinsel town he says, “I am in my 50th film. As I glance back, I see the journey as a difficult one. To have survived in such a volatile industry is no easy task. I have been walking a tightrope.”
The actor acknowledges that it has been the support and encouragement from his die-hard fans that has kept him going. They have always given his films grand openings, which were often the envy of many of his contemporaries in the industry.
Having set his priorities, Ajith is showing that he means business. He will soon commence shooting for Mangaatha (present title) to be directed by Venkat Prabhu, which co-stars him with Nagarjuna.
Impressed after watching Madarasapattinam, Ajith, who worked with director Vijay in Kireedom earlier, readily agreed to do a movie with him early next year.
In addition to all this, the actor is ready to team up with director Vishnuvardhan once again to do a sequel to Billa. The movie, inspired by the Rajinikanth cult classic was a milestone in the actor’s career. Ajith has also committed to doing a film with Gautham Vasudev Menon.
Sources close to the actor say that he is keen to repay his fans for their loyal support and patronage by giving them some outstanding entertainment.
Having firmly set his priorities, the actor continues to scout for creative filmmakers to ensure that his attempt to revive his flagging box-office fortunes, clicks in a big way. “I am here to stay. Ready and eager to run the extra mile!” he says with a determined lilt in his voice.
Source: Deccan Chronicle 29-July-2010