One of Ajith’s most eagerly awaited projects Billa 2, directed by Chakri Toleti, has finally started rolling. A source from the sets informs, “The shooting for Billa 2 has started on July 14, at a popular studio in Hyderabad. The shooting has commenced with Ajith and the other lead characters. The crew will be shooting continuously till the end of the month after which they will take a short break.”
The film, which is said to be one of the costliest Ajith films to be made so far, also stars Mumbai-based model Huma Qureshi and Bruna Abdullah as the leading ladies.
Billa 2 is said to be a prequel to the earlier film and will track the birth and rise of the dreaded gangster, Billa.
Source: Times of India (Dated: 17-7-2011)