Ajith is currently the hottest star in Kollywood, following the stupendous success of Mankatha. The film recovered its cost of production in two weeks,making it the fastest film in recent times to turn profitable. It has made Ajith’s next release the Chakri Toleti directed Billa 2, the hottest film among forthcoming releases. Billa 2 is a prequel to the 2007 film Billa and would focus on how David, an ordinary man from the coastal regions of South Tamil Nadu, becomes Billa, a dreaded underworld don, with Ajith playing a character with shades of grey. The film, is being produced by Wide Angle Creations for Hinduja Group company IN Entertainment. The first schedule of the film has been over in Hyderabad, and the second schedule is starting in Goa by the end of the month. After that in December the unit will be in Russia for the third schedule. Billa 2 is scheduled to release on April 14, 2012 Tamil New Year day. Meanwhile a Mumbai based corporate has offered Rs 40 Crore , while a Malaysia businessman is willing to pay Rs 45 Crore for all rights. The buzz is that Sunir Khetrapal of In Entertainment is now demanding Rs 50 Crore, for a film which was being touted around Rs 32 Crore before Mankatha release! It clearly shows Ajith power at the box-office. No wonder the star is asking for a whopping Rs 17 Crore as salary for his next film which will be produced by AM Ratnam.
Source: sify.com